Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Reno Dec 2008

Rodney rigged up a sled to hook behind Reno to see if he would drive. He drove like a champ! Rod, Mom and I had fun driving him up the lane. My two dogs Bell and Tate even went for a ride!! ha ha

This is Sambo and Royal, another team of Allen Hale's.

This is pretty much how I spent my Christmas vacation. This is Allen Hale's team, Hoedown and Delsco. They are still undefeated! Yeah!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is my niece Dylinn and the kids 4th of July rodeo in Plymouth. She was doing the goat ribbon pull. This was the first time that she had ever done this event. She did a pretty good job. It was the funniest thing when we were walking out of the arena. I told her that she did a good job and she looked up at me and was dead serious, and said "it was fun, but you know that goat tried to horn me right?" I was laughing so hard!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

These are pics of Shine. She had a fit in the horse trailer on the way home from the races and when we unloaded her this is what she looked like. We sedated her and cut the flap of skin off. She had to live with a fly mask on, but she acted like nothing had happened. She was entered to run the next weekend. We hauled her the the race with a fly mask on to cover her gross head and then put blinkers on her in the stall before we took her to the paddock to be saddled. Nobody even knew she was all banged up. She won that day!!! I guess it put her marbles back in place. ha ha

Race Horses

These are the two horses we had wins with this year. The brown horse is Shine. We are half owners of her with Bruce and Terry Hillman. The grey horse is Kaysie. She belongs to Tracy Spencer.

I guess I'm starting a blog spot!! Angie tells me that I need too!! Rodney and I have been together for close to 15 years. We dated in high school and have pretty much been together ever since. We never married and have never had children. We enjoy spending time with our nieces and nephews.
This year we starting running race horses. What an experience! It was alot of fun though and we learned alot. We did have two wins!!!